Great attendance at the Mercado de la Esperanza during the first half of the summer

Personas en el Mercado de la Esperanza

As you already now, we can track the number of visitors to the Mercado de la Esperanza and other representative buildings of Santander, thanks to new technologies, which will allow citizens to better manage their visits in the future, such as, for example, making their purchases at off-peak hours. 

If we analyze the data of the summer period, compared with the winter and spring months, the affluence to the market has been in clear growth. In this period, Santander receives many tourists who join the usual visitors to the Mercado de la Esperanza, as it is a touristic and gastronomic attraction in which to find traditional products and seafood, thus increasing the influx of the market. 

The number of people coming to the market remained stable during the months of March, April and May, experiencing a slight increase, and already in the month of June there was a 10% increase in the number of visitors to the market. The trend observed last year indicates that July is very likely to register even better figures. 

And what are the reasons for this growth? Undoubtedly, the easing of the Covid measures, linked to the reduction of the incidence and the progress of vaccination have allowed citizens to come to the market again and visitors to be present in good numbers in the city. If the trends continue and domestic tourism is not affected, August could reach annual highs. 

Analyzing the figures in detail, there is an upward trend throughout the week. From Monday to Thursday, the number of people attending the Market is growing smoothly, but Fridays and Saturdays are days when the number of visitors is 42% higher. In the month of June, the figures for daily days have increased by 33%, compared to the spring months, and weekend figures by 38%. The preferred day for the people of Santander to go to the Market continues to be Saturday, which also coincides with the busiest tourist days.  

If you want to know more about the technologies that allow us to measure the influx to the Mercado de la Esperanza, in this post we explain everything in detail.