Municipal services begin to test the incident management tool


Your City Council is going to improve and make available to you new channels of communication with citizens in order to improve the management of incidents that you can report to us, such as damage to street furniture, street lighting, paving stones, broken benches, etc. 

To do this, we are going to improve the current communication channels, such as the Citizen's Mailbox, making it more agile with a better response process, as well as adding new channels through which you can contact your Town Hall. 

One of these new channels will be the Santander City App, a new tool that will make this process more fluid, convenient and accessible for everyone, and will allow you to connect with the City Council from anywhere. In addition, within the App, you will have a specific functionality, from where, through a simple process, you can send us incidents, descriptions and images of them, and you can even find out about other incidents that have been reported by other citizens. 

También podrás utilizar otros canales de comunicación con el Ayuntamiento para trasladar incidencias como las webs municipales o las pantallas de los espacios interactivos, solo tienes que escoger el que prefieras en cada momento. Si no estás muy familiarizado con las nuevas tecnologías, no te preocupes, podrás trasladarnos incidencias, peticiones y sugerencias vía telefónica a través Servicio de Atención Ciudadana o incluso de forma presencial en el Ayuntamiento o en las sedes municipales.

You can also use other channels of communication with the City Council to report these kind of issues, such as the municipal websites or the screens placed on the new local interactive spaces. You just have to choose the one you prefer at any time. Don´t worry if you are not very familiar with new technologies, you can report incidents, requests and suggestions by telephone through the Citizen's Advice Service or even in person at the Town Hall or at the municipal offices. 

Thanks to these new communication channels, we can receive all the information on incidents and requests that citizens send us through them, and unify it in a single reception channel so that all the data reaches the same place and we can supervise and manage them as quickly as possible. So that, once you send your incident, the City Council will receive the notification containing all the information you have provided and we will coordinate internally and begin the process to resolve it.  

We want all these processes to be transparent. Therefore, when the municipal workers solve the incident, we will send you images of the result, and you will even be able to evaluate the resolution process. 

Furthermore, in the same way, associations, schools, groups and other organisations will be able to report any incidents or requests they deem necessary, as we are committed to helping you, regardless of whether they are individual or collective. 

These new communication channels will provide advantages such as:  

- Being able to give you a more agile and a faster response for the resolution of the incident, thanks to this single point that centralises all the information that reaches us through different channels, making it better for the fluency of the communication. 

-We will have better supervision and internal coordination with the municipal team in charge of resolving each request. 

-Improved transparency of the resolutions, so that when the municipal technicians have resolved the incident, we will be able to send you images so that you can see the result, once it has been resolved, and you can also evaluate the process within the App. 

The first phase of technical tests recently began at the City Council, where the necessary mechanisms have been installed to implement these new improvements in the incident management tool. Subsequently, enhancements will be made to the Citizen Mailbox. By redesigning the classification of incidents, they will more appropriate to each situation, and those incidents that were not previously categorised are now specified. Testing of the new communication channels will begin later.